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    Monday, April 9, 2007

    Now, a gas cartel

    A Russian delegate at the summit of gas-exporting nations in Doha, Qatar has just declared that an OPEC-style price-setting cartel for natural gas is a "necessity." See the Ria Novosti report here.

    Since Russia, which controls by far the largest share of global production (21.6%, compared to just over 3 % each for runners-up Algeria and Iran), looks set to play a leading role in any such organization, that's got to be disquieting news for anyone in Europe who remembers the famous Gazprom cutoffs to Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia.

    Robert Amsterdam, a Canadian lawyer who defended Yukos founder Mikhail Khodorkovsky in his spectacle/show trial a few years back, has some nice analysis on his blog.

    For those wondering where Khodorkovsky's case is at, the man who was once Russia's richest man (until he challenged the Kremlin) is two years into a nine-year sentence that he's serving at a Siberian labour camp known as YaG-14/10.

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